Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dental Insurance continued

There is a limited amount of money that the insurance company will pay, and it's about $1500.00 and no more. Most treatment will not be covered because they don't want to help you out, they want to line their own pockets. They will also delay claims for months because the longer they hold their money the more interest they earn on it.

Many times, the treatment that is needed is not covered or will not be covered in its entirety, and it puts the dentist in a bind as to how to treat an area without doing bad work.

Dental insurance should be considered a bonus and not the only way things are done. Most of the time the insurance company doesn't have a clue as to what you need.

One more thing that bothers me is that when a claim is submitted, they will deny it because they can't agree on the same way to do it or they say that there are other treatments available. This is completely wrong since they are not there and they don't know what we know about your mouth.

Take advantage of dental insurance, but don't hang your hat on it!

Dental Insurance

I hear things all the time about dental insurance and if it is going to help out. My simple answer is it is going to help but it will not pay for everything.

The basics are that dental insurance is not like medical insurance and it really isn't considered insurance, like say your car or house. There is only a certain amount of dental insurance that is available